What a busy weekend!

I did stuff last weekend and during the week but was just lazy and didn’t post about them.  Some fun stuff was done but meh forward we go.  Anyway this weekend was the Eco Spirit hike for the Beavers and the kids had a great time.  It’s something I really enjoy doing and am glad I can share it with Brandon, unlike when we did it two years ago Brandon was not afraid of the dark and I was very proud of him.

Hehe of course I had to bring my PVS-14 along and I love being able to see everything just in case one of the kids runs off (and they do!).  We were at the Blue Springs Scout Reserve from 2-9pm and the second we went into the car Brandon fell asleep as he had a very full day.

Today we went to Estelle’s place for lunch and it was great.  She made spaghetti and it really reminded me of when we were in Italy last year. 🙂  Brandon and I also had a Pokemon raid event with some of our Valor group and my little guy became the youngest level 40 player in the world. 😀

The current record holder is 11 (10 when he hit that mark) and Brandon is just 7.  We started his account back in Oct of last year and it took just over a year to get to 40, now I don’t know what I’m going to play for but we’ll continue our journey together.  Some of the guys & gals in my group says I should get Maggie’s account to 40 and man that’s a lot of work lol.  I might boost it to maybe 35 but it’s just not worth it with the current version of the game.

A very fun filled weekend and I’ll need to recover from my busy weekend during the upcoming work week.

Pokemon wants to get shot

Hehe so today I went to Silverdale with Marcia, Mario (who just got his license) & Shawn and it was great except all the darn pokemon popping up! 😉

Hehe Shawn was a newb so I couldn’t join Marica on the competition range but it was still fun and I missed shooting while I was away. The PSA 10.5″ 7.62×39 AR15 upper was great I had one misfeed in about 200 rounds but it’s still pretty new and needs some “break in”.

Other than that today was pretty relaxing, not too hot and overall very pleasant.  Noticed one of the local gyms is now a level 10 and look who’s king yeah that’s right haha.

Pokemon Go European conquest

As you know we’re addicted to Pokemon Go and Brandon and I played a lot while we were in Italy and here are a few pics of our Pokemon holding the Italian gyms. 😉

Hehe I guess I’m most proud of holding the gym at the leaning tower of Pisa, with Maggie in tow we actually held that place for around 5 hours. 🙂  On the 7th day of the trip Maggie and I caught the European specific Mr. Mime, a super goofy looking thing but yeah a special one because it’s not available here.

LOL I bet the local players around my home thought I was banned, nope away on a trip, leveled up and powered up my guys.


I have to admit even though I find Pokemon stupid, I am addicted to the Pokemon Go game. LOL good thing I’m a director at my company and can keep the game going all day haha. This morning I couldn’t sleep so I went and took over 8 gyms.


At least it’s something I can share with Brandon and he rather enjoys battling too.

Pokemon go!

At lunch today I went with Andrew for a walk, we went West along Bloor and decided to attack the gym at the ROM and woo I was able take it over!

Haha first time I’ve been king of a gym! Gengar isn’t the best to hold the spot but meh whatever he looks cool and I was on top for about 30 minutes before being overthrown by a 1500+ cp Snorelax.  Oh well time to level up my guys and try again, unfortunately I really only have time to play this game at work so I’m not as high a level as a lot of other people.

6:26pm edit: I took over the gym in front of the chartered accountants building and also seized my home gym.  Not bad right now I’m holding two king spots, I wonder how long that’ll last. 😀

Productive weekend!

Well I certainly had a productive weekend. 😀 As I mentioned to a few friends, eventually I want to turn my M249 Para into a MK46 mod 0 (well as close as I can get, can never remove a few things) and it’s going well. I removed the bipod and put in its place a fore grip and it’s definitely easier to wield now. Next piece to change is the barrel though I’m still debating if I should keep the sliding para stock as I like that look more.

Heh I think it looks awesome, I wonder if those replica Elcan sights are any good…

Saturday night the family and I went to an impromptu family gathering for my grand mother at my parents house. Apparently she’s having difficulty sleeping these days and nothing cheers her up like seeing and playing with her great grand son. 🙂 To see her her smile and hear her laugh when she holding him just warms your heart…

Finally let’s see today I finally finished Assassin’s Creed 2, the game is definitely better than the first one though along the way I gave myself a really bad headache lol… I sometimes get motion sickness when I’m playing games but that’s nothing a nap can’t fix! 😀 Anyway I just started the third installment, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood and it’s turning out to be a pretty good game too so I’m happy. 🙂 Definitely a fun series, if you have a PS3 it’s definitely something you should check out!

Fun weekend!

Don’t you love those lazy weekends? I’m happy to report that I’ve finally finished Assassin’s Creed, the game is not super long but I stopped playing when Maggie’s dad was here and took it up again this weekend. I enjoyed the game but I can see why it only got a mediocre rating as it does get repetitive. The most frustrating part of the game for me definitely had to be when I confronted Robert de Sable for the last time and had to fight those 10 Templars at the same time, ugh must have died 20 times at least! They’re not hard to fight but when you’re totally surrounded and confined to a small area, it was quite difficult.

Yesterday I started playing Assassin’s Creed II and yeah that game faster and more fun than the first one. Oh if you’re planning on playing this series, make sure you start with the first one otherwise it’ll be confusing as you will not know the plot. This game takes off right where the first ends!

Oh I also spent a lot time playing with Brandon and it’s funny to watch him do these half push ups, look around then let his head fall to the mattress smiling along the way. 🙂 He’s a happy baby, we’re lucky.

Anyway yeah that’s what I did all weekend and it was great!

Mmm video games…

Yesterday I picked up used copies of Assassin’s Creed & Assassin’s Creed 2, I’ve read a lot about those games and generally the reviews are quite positive.  Heh getting ready for the holiday season, I plan to play a lot of video games on my time off (woo for holiday schedule!) and after I’m done these I’ll buy the third installment too.  I have to say when I played a bit of the first game yesterday it did look better on the new TV. 😉

Oh and if you haven’t noticed I’ve changed the skin on my blog, not sure if I’m going to keep this one so it may change again in the near future.

Nice weekend

The weather in Toronto was beautiful over the weekend and what do I do, spend it indoors playing Dante’s Inferno on my PS3.  🙂  Mission complete, I was able to finish off the game and even the extra unlocked content. I have to say while the game is a lot of fun, there are many parts which are damn annoying like the Malebolge “challenges”.  I guess it follows the poem but it had absolutely nothing to do with the game and it was also disappointing that Lucifer was so easy to beat.  Oh well the graphics were good and the story was ok…  It’s a great tune up for God of War 3 which I’ll be getting next week, since the controls and game play is virtually identical.

I also picked up a package from LA Police Gear that Mike and I ordered like a month ago, the store has great prices but is damn slow when it comes to shipping. Anyway I have a new indoor molle vest and setup, can’t wait to try it out at TTAC3 next time there’s a CQB session.

It’s very light and should be pretty quick, the only bummer is that I bought the wrong mag pouches.  I bought up two 5.11 single stack double pouches, should have gotten the double stack versions because I can’t put my tornado grenades in the singles. Oh well in any case I paid like $30 for the set up since it was on sale so I’m coming out ahead. 😉