Argh at easy answers!!!

I’m so sick and tired of politicians peddling quick and easy answers to societal problems.  I know I harp on this a lot but really there is no easy answer to Toronto’s gun or violence problems and I especially hate John Tory for being a pompous ass for pushing a gun ban and I’ll mention reasons why it’s silly shortly but this quite really bothered me.

City council last year, in the wake of the Danforth attack that killed two people and injured 13 others, asked the Justin Trudeau Liberal government to ban the sale of handguns in Toronto.

Source: The Star

As I’ve discussed many times, the Danforth loser (I call all mass shooters losers because it’s what they are) was using an illegally acquired firearm, his brother was arrested for drug & gun smuggling so spare me on how a ban would have prevented the attack.  Also the gun used was in the prohibited class so anyone who got their gun license after 1996 (like me) can’t even acquire one if we wanted. Gun bans simply don’t work because they only target legal gun owners, it’s already illegal to point a gun at someone or to kill but politicians think that a gun ban would cause criminals to think twice?  Again it’s a measure to sound good that does nothing in real terms, I really wish those who create laws & regulations would go through and educate themselves on the actual process.

Does one really think that if the Danforth loser didn’t have a gun that he’d simply stay home?  Those who are committed to acts of violence will find ways, just as the other loser used a van to kill a bunch of people last year.

Now how do you address gun violence (or violence in general)?  First we need to identify the root causes of gun violence, which the majority lead to gang fights so what causes people to join gangs?  Lack of opportunity, after school programs & even systemic racism…  If you’re poor and have a family to feed, you will do whatever it takes to feed that family, even if the means are illegal.  What Doug Ford is doing by cutting funding to education will only exacerbate the problem but hey he has an ideology to stick to as well.

The recently passed Bill C71 cracks down on legal gun owners, requires me to have extra paperwork to bring my guns to the range, classifies certain weapons as prohibited even though they’ve been sold as non restricted for decades and carves out new prohibited classes…  This was done in the name of public safety but I fail to see anything that cracks down on those who use their guns for illegal mans.

Bill C75 on the other hand lessens the time someone spends behind bars for someone who’s in organized crime.  So on one hand the Liberal government cracks down on people like me and give actual criminals an easier time, really it’s that insane.

There are no easy answers to gun problems and as with everything else in life, be wary of those who peddle them as a way to win your support because they’re deceiving you.

I voted for Trudeau last time out but this and with their bungles during their term will force me to vote for someone else in Oct.  Ideologically the majority of my views are closest to what’s called a classic liberalism but that’s not the way the Liberal Party of Canada governs and I wish Trudeau and the rest of the political “leaders” would actually lead instead of peddling stupid answers.

Pew pew!

So today Mario, Brayden and I went to Silverdale and man it’s been a long time since I shot something!  Unfortunately the competition ranges are still closed but we had a good time none the less and I’m happy to report despite not firing a gun in months my skills didn’t really degrade. 🙂  In the steel target area, there’s a 2″ plate that I could reliably hit 8/10 from 10 yards but couldn’t do a perfect run.

After some pistol work, we went to the 25 meter range to shoot the ARs and man I do love my AR15s!

I brought along my camera and took these shots. Mario or Brayden took the pictures of me and they turned out pretty well I thought.

Looking forward to doing a class soon, getting rusty and could use the practice. 🙂


It won’t do anything so let’s do it!

It’s been very busy so I haven’t had much time to blog but when I do, it’s about gun control lol.

So the Liberal government is signalling that it’s going to do something to address gun crime by… targeting legal gun owners yet again.  This is just more of the same, to give the appearance that they’re being tough on crime when they’re not addressing the issue at all.  I get that the public would like something to be done and a ban sounds good but do you actually think it’s going to affect what criminals do?  The shooting that started this all, the one on the Danforth was an illegally obtained gun.

The notion of banning certain firearms raises questions such as whether Ottawa would “grandfather” those owners who already have legally registered handguns and allow them to keep their weapons, or whether the government would buy back their weapons.

The source said the $1.5 billion to $2 billion estimate for a handgun buyback was based on a loose estimate of 1 million handguns registered in Canada. The source added there are “probably” twice that number in illegal, unregistered handguns in circulation.

Source: The Star

LOL at that last sentence, so this law will deal with the 33% of legal guns while ignoring the 66% of illegal guns in the hands of criminals, that right there sums up the government’s position nicely.  The government is also frankly lying about guns being domestically sourced, I’m sure it happens but the RCMP which handles the Canadian Firearms Program does not keep that data, it simply doesn’t exist!!!  Don’t like guns fine, isn’t it a problem that the government lies to push an agenda?

Sigh, I’m a card carrying Liberal member and will be complaining to my MP about this.

90 murders so far

I’m glad politicians are looking beyond the tool that’s used to kill and actually want to deal with the issue of gang violence.

Saunders said, however, gang dynamics are complex and there’s no simple way to pinpoint the cause of the violence.

Some shootings, he said, are the result of gang-on-gang warfare, or someone acting on a personal grudge. And then there are deaths of innocent bystanders that get caught in the crossfire.

Taverner estimated of Toronto’s 363 shootings this year, almost 40 per cent occur in north Etobicoke. He said the area has a history of gang activity, turf wars and retaliation, and guns and drugs.
Source: CBC

I’m seeing a lot of good talk, about the city investing in after school programs for at risk youth, the governments of all levels talk about the needs to deter kids from joining gangs to begin with which is great. This will actually help with the issue of gun violence, more needs to be done of course and I’d suggest looking at our drug laws as the next step.  A ban on law abiding owners is simply window dressing that does not address the root causes of these problems.

Gun control discussion

So there was a “town hall” on gun control in Toronto yesterday, I would have liked to attend but was busy spending time with the family.  In any case I put quotations around town hall because from the people I know who went, the questions in the Q&A portion were screened before hand and the more poignant questions about the numbers were not addressed.

Mr. Blair, a former Toronto Police chief who spoke at Sunday’s event, has been tasked with stick-handling the handgun issue. He said that moving forward, “evidence” will help guide him. But at the town hall, even the evidence proved contentious.

As he sat onstage speaking, Mr. Blair cited Toronto Police figures indicating that an increasing proportion of guns used in crime are coming from domestic sources (as opposed to illegally through the border) – at least of those guns that police are able to track. That comment drew loud booing, with some shouting that the minister was misrepresenting the data.

Source: The Globe & Mail

Emphasis are mine & gun owners are upset because that’s a blatant lie and I illustrated that fact previously with actual Toronto police data which does not say that at all.

The video player embedding from CP24 doesn’t seem to work but how about listen to Louis March, founder of the Zero Gun violence group.

He gets it, banning guns is the easy (wrong) answer to the problem of gun violence, let’s tackle the root causes of gun crime.  Poverty and lack of opportunity often leads gangs and hence gang violence and how we solve this is difficult to answer.  How about a reinvestment in poorer areas which bring opportunity to the local populace so people are not struggling to feed their families?  Raise the minimum wage to a living wage, end the war drugs, let’s remove the money and power from these criminal elements.

Of course these are difficult issues to tackle, it’s easier to blame an inanimate object and call it evil.  As I mentioned to one commenter, homicides are committed at the same rate with knives as guns over a 5 year period (actually there are more stabbings, 939 vs 862 shooting homicides) but we don’t talk about banning knives right.  Let’s really do something rather than token gestures but that’s not sexy and will take more than 4 years so politicians are not interested.

Bang bang

So today I took my father in law and Maggie to the range (with the help from Mario) and they had a great time.  Maggie’s dad is I think 65 but for an old guy he handled himself pretty well.  I think he was disappointed that he didn’t shoot as well as he thought he could and I kept telling Maggie to translate that everyone sucks especially with pistols first time out.

I think it’s been a year since I got Maggie to come shooting and she had a good time too.  She’s pretty petite so normally she can’t handle much more than a .22 LR pistol or rifle but today she was trying out the 9mm HK SFP9 and did alright. It was pretty hot and everyone was tired around 11 so we packed up and went home.

In the afternoon Michael one of Brandon’s friend’s came over and played for a few hours, not really sure what they were doing but there was a lot of running and laughing so that’s good.  Tomorrow I’m driving to Chicago for a conference, I really hate airports (I don’t mind flying) so I’m going for a nice long drive which should be fun.  Packed everything including my SLR, will see if I can get some cool pictures when I’m not in the office.

Rest early tonight, long day ahead tomorrow. 🙂

Absolute lies

So the perception in Toronto is that gun violence is up and local, federal and the Toronto police department have been parroting the same line, that 50% of guns used illegally are domestically sourced and it’s an absolute lie.

“Currently, there is no national repository for this type of information in Canada. The Canadian Firearms Program does not collect or track national statistics with regard to the origin of crime guns,” said Sgt. Marie Damian.

Source: CBC

The RCMP which manages the Canadian Firearms Program does not have any data on where guns are coming from whether from the US or from domestic sources.  Perhaps the local police department keeps track of this right?  Well here’s the information made available by a Dennis Young through a freedom of information request.

So if we look at the data last year there were 726 crime guns seized and of those, 67 could be traced to a licensed owner or ~9%.  So where is the 50% that the politicians and the Toronto Police keep saying?  Even the city’s own police department’s data doesn’t back this stat up…  Let’s take a look at the third chart as I find it the most interesting as ~50% of the guns seized are in the prohibited class (again it’s fairly consistent).  What’s most interesting is that as a legal owner with both my PAL & RPAL, I cannot purchase a prohibited class firearm.

In fact no one who’s received their license after 1996 can, only those who were in possession of those types of guns before the Firearms Act came into place can yet they account for 50% of all firearms seized in the last 10 years worth of data.  Don’t believe me, well download the report and take a look yourself.

Look obviously there’s an issue with gang violence and crimes committed by those who use firearms but let’s be frank it’s not someone like myself doing it.  To really tackle the root causes of these things requires a multifaceted approach (dealing with lack of opportunity, systemic racism, etc) and will require many years if not a generation to fix and that’s just not sexy for politicians.  They want a quick fix that can keep them in power 4 years from now and it’s not possible when dealing with such large societal problems but hey let’s blame legal owners, it’s an easy bait and switch.

Just the boys

This was a pretty busy weekend, it all started Saturday morning with lunch with Stephen & Helene.  We went to a dumpling place near Hwy 7 & West Beaver Creek, I’ve never been there before but it was good and Maggie & Brandon approved.  After Maggie went to Blue Mountain for her tax course, she’ll be gone all week and it’ll just be Brandon and I.  I took him to badminton where he played rather well then swimming and it’s funny to watch him learn the breast stroke.

Silly reason to take the picture but I thought it was fun I parked right behind another Prius. 😉

My cousin Cathy and her son Mike are here from Quebec city (staying with my mom) for the week and with me going to the range today, I met up with them for dinner and so Brandon could sleep over as it’s easier than waking him up at 6:30 in the morning and driving him there.  Picked up Mario on the way and met a friend who never shot before at the range and it was great.  He took some videos of me shooting the metal targets at the 10 yard range and man that’s a lot of fun.

LOL kids taking video in portrait mode!  We wrapped up around 11:30, dropped Mario off, went home to drop my guns off then to Canadian Tire to return a few items.  Was happy the overall fuel consumption for today’s trip was 4.4L / 100 KM (53 mpg)!

Haha I know I’m a geek but I love seeing that small number!  After I got home, I cleaned my guns then the house and Brandon’s still not back yet, my mom took them out for dinner so I guess I got to wait a bit longer before I see my little angel, I know it’s only been one day but man how I miss him.  Too bad I have to work tomorrow but it’s a super short week as I’m taking Thursday & Friday off.

It wouldn’t have helped

So the Feds are talking about restricting gun ownership further, I get that it’s an easy way to score political points by going after legal gun owners, I just wish everyone would realize it wouldn’t have stopped the Danforth shooting last month.  The loser’s brother was a drug dealer and had associates who had a bunch of illegal guns, I still fail to see how more rules and regulations on legal owners would do anything.

The federal government has already said it would consider a number of different ways to crack down further on handguns, including empowering municipalities to do so – a commitment Blair reiterated this week.

He also cited measures already included in Bill C-71, which proposes to tighten certain regulations on gun ownership laws, including expanded background checks on would-be gun owners, stronger record-keeping by retailers and requiring buyers to first present a firearms licence.

Source: Global News

Neither of the above discussed items would have stopped the loser (I will call all mass shooters or terrorists this moving forward) from acquiring a gun.  If the government or us as a society want to deal with the problem with shootings we need to deal with the underlying issues, what is causing people to act out in a violent manner?

Of course those questions are much harder to answer and will take a lot longer, it’s just easier for those in charge to blame guns.

Fun weekend

So this weekend we did a lot of driving, hey new car means adventures right…  We did the usual Brandon activities (badminton & swimming) and after dinner Maggie & the boy went back to Commander to play some more badminton so I figure I’ll take the Toyota Prius out and try some of those Prius driving tips to get better gas mileage.

On city roads I can run on EV mode anytime I want now though it’s only good at maintaining speed, not enough power to actually accelerate.

Today I went to the range with some people from work Patricia, Hannah & Shafi.  Hannah has her license but they were all new to shooting and it was fun to see the big smiles when they had after shooting each gun.  I brought 9 guns for them to try out, a bunch of pistols, some rifles and a shotgun.  I don’t I don’t have the group picture we took but Shafi did capture me shooting a S&W 686 revolver in slow motion and that’s pretty cool!

Very neat to see the ring of fire that comes out of the barrel!  We left just after 12, everyone was tired and had a great time, they all shot pretty well and haha I think they’re hooked. 😉

So the driving tips I read online worked pretty well, 

We put on quite a bit of mileage but that’s how it always goes at the beginning right, after 554.6KM, I still have 1/3 of a tank according to the gauge and 4.4L / 100km is equivalent to 53.4 MPG for my American friends.  That’s freaking awesome, yes I have to drive slow (going ~110km/h) but hell that’s fine if I’m getting great mileage!  What will also take some getting use to is people flying by me but hey I’m driving a Toyota Prius, not a Ferrari!

All in all a great weekend now I’m just relaxing and will clean some guns shortly.