Oh god not again!

So now that Republicans in the US controls Congress & the Presidency, they’re pushing this insane anti science curriculum in schools again.  What an absolute disaster this will be…

State and local legislatures in the United States are experimenting with new ways to target the topics taught in science classes, and it seems to be paying dividends. Florida’s legislature approved a bill on May 5 that would enable residents to challenge what educators teach students. And two other states have already approved non-binding legislation this year urging teachers to embrace ‘academic freedom’ and present the full spectrum of views on evolution and climate change. This would give educators license to treat evolution and intelligent design as equally valid theories, or to present climate change as scientifically contentious.

Source: Scientific American

I guess nothing that comes out of the Trump administration should surprise me but what the hell…  Evolution is the gold standard of scientific theories and intelligent design is not science, it’s not testable nor can it make predictions!  Seriously the answer to everything with that “theory” is that god did it.

Climate change, meh why does anyone in the Trump administration care about that, they’ll be long dead by the time the future generations have to deal with the affects it.  I guess Trump is trying to bring back all those manufacturing jobs in the future by bringing up a generation of uneducated morons (I guess it’s not really their fault though) who don’t know how to do anything.  He loves the uneducated and for some reason they love him right back. 

I truly weep for American children and their futures.

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