Argh why make it partisan…

While I empathize with the plight of the indigenous people in Canada, I absolutely hate how our PM has made the Colten Boushie case partisan.

In response to NDP demands for “concrete steps” to address the issue, Trudeau agreed that the overrepresentation of Indigenous persons in Canada’s prisons and their underrepresentation on juries and in jury-selection pools is a significant problem and said his government would address it.

Source: The Star

I think we can all agree that the treatment of native Canadians in society is terrible but there’s no easy answer to societal problems holding them as a community back. Giving them extra rights in court just means that we have a tiered justice system that works harder for one group than the other.  As a visible minority, I get it’s easy to yell racism but if I were on the jury I’d vote not guilty too the facts of the case showed that the kid was up to no good.

I guess that’s the conservative in me coming out but I believe that when I’m on my property or in my home that I should be able to use any amount of force necessary to repel an intruder.

A lawyer friend told me they’ll probably get Gerard Stanley on firearms charges though because he used a restricted weapon in a manner that’s not allowed.

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