Happy Earth overshoot day!

Today is Earth overshoot day, that means by today we’ve used up all the resources that the planet can produce in a year, yes we did that by July 29th and there’s still 5 months left in the year.

If Earth’s resources were a bank account, today would mark the date we’d officially be in the red.

As of July 29, humanity has officially used up more ecological resources this year than the Earth can regenerate by the end of the year. The occasion even has a name: Earth Overshoot Day.
The Global Footprint Network, a sustainability organization which calculates the day, says humanity is currently consuming nature 1.75 times faster than the planet can regenerate.
That means we’re overspending our natural capital, compromising resources in the future as a result and leading to things like deforestation and carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere.
Source: CNN
God humanity is in such trouble, yet people in Western world (mainly the US but Canada too) bicker whether climate change is real or not.

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