Why is DST a thing?

So this weekend was rather relaxing, Saturday Brandon had a play date with one of his friends and when it came to Nerf, lol I wiped the floor with them. 😉  It’s ok, I get it that it’s hard to be aggressive when someone is shooting projectiles at you but that’s how it’s done haha.

Like almost everyone else, I hate day lights savings and its adjustments what good is shifting the clocks an hour so I get an hour of light between 7-8am?  Seriously why are we still doing this…

Anyway Sunday morning I took Brandon to Lynde Shores, it’s been a while since we’ve been there and he wanted to feed the birds.

There were a ton of chickadees out and I also took this 4k 120p video of them eating off Brandon’s hand.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get the eye AF on the Canon EOS R5 to work properly so I locked off focus at the bird seed and overall it worked pretty well.  Video is fun and I hope to do more of it though taking photos is my favorite.  We saw 4 deer while we were there and it was fun to watch them cross the walking path and I can’t wait till the brush dies down a bit so we can see them a bit more clearly.

Sunday afternoon we looked at some houses because that’s something I do all the time now and found 2 that we liked so we’ll make an offer and see what comes of it.

Overall pretty relaxing weekend and now I’m ready for the work week.

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