ugh shingles?!?

Saturday night on a night vision walk with Maggie I noticed a small but sharp pain on the side of my torso, feels like when you pull a muscle or sleep wrong.  Anyway I figure it was nothing but the next morning it was there and by Monday the pain started to spread to my back and I noticed a small pink spot at the spot where the pain started.  I wanted to go to the doctor yesterday but there were many meetings during the day and Brandon’s BJJ class so I went this morning to see the doctor and after listening to the symptoms and looking at my torso she said I had shingles.

Apparently if you have the chicken pox as a child the virus stays in your body but lays dormant and can flare up at any moment.  It’s not dangerous just painful and it is contagious if there’s skin to skin contact so it’s back to hand washing and distancing for the Sun family.

At the Shoppers Drug Mart while I was waiting for the prescription to be filled, the digital kiosk next to me was talking about the Shingrix vaccine which gave me a bit of a chuckle.  I mentioned to the pharmacist that I thought shingles was an old person thing, he then asked me how old I was so I replied 43 and he just nodded so I guess that means I’m old lol.  I was given a week’s worth of valacyclovir in 500MG tablets which I’m suppose to take 2 tablets 3 times a day so hopefully by this time next week I’ll be back to tip top shape.

Just annoying and painful, oh well gives me an excuse to get out of my chores right? 😉


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