Old is new?

The Canada day long weekend has been going well, I’m still recovering from shingles, the rash has gotten much smaller but the pain has remained and sometimes there’s a sharp stabbing pain from the right side of my toros which is pretty annoying.  Hopefully when the disease subsides completely I’ll be back to normal.  Friday & Saturday Brandon had some friends over, end of the school year and he did well academically so it was hard to say no.

Yesterday we didn’t do much, went out for lunch then relaxed at home.  Since I’m not sleeping well, I’ve been taking naps but not being a nap person, I sleep too long and am groggy afterwards. 🙁  Today Maggie went to play badminton and we all met up to have some dim sum which was great.  I guess I’m the biggest reason we didn’t do anything, driving is difficult due to the abrupt bumps in the road, when I hit one there’s quite a bit of pain so I’m trying not to go anywhere really.

In other news, I picked up a Classic Army MP5A3 for Brandon.

He’s turning 13 in August and I wouldn’t mind playing airsoft with him, he seems interested so why not.  There’s a local field in Clarington that’s around a 30 minute drive and they have newbie days, when I’m fully recovered we’ll give that place a shot and see how it goes.  The MP5 was one of my first guns (albeit I had a TM) and I really love that platform so it’s quite nice to hold one again. We’ll see what the future brings but I stopped playing because of my fatherhood duties, perhaps now that he’s older I can get back into the hobby. 🙂

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