What a disaster

This was a heart breaking video shot & narrated by some AP journalists about the opening days of the Ukraine/Russian conflict in Mariupol.

Be warned, there are lots of graphic images & videos of dead people (kids, families, etc) and the only thing I could think was that our political leaders on the world stage all act like god damn school children arguing & fighting in the yard.  What will all this death and destruction achieve, was it really worth it for Russia to gain a bit more territory or for the Ukraine’s “allies” to feed Ukrainians into the meatgrinder?  Another thought I had while watching was that I hate how media & games glorify war, it’s not fun it’s terrifying and horrible.  I’m guilty of enjoying violent videogames, I enjoy shooting guns and hell I played airsoft but I never deluded myself to think I’d be actually good in a real war; I’m certain it’ll be a nightmare.

We should throw out any politician that talks up war or considers it an option, only dialog can help sooth our differences and make things better.

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