
Aliens don’t visit us because they see that we fight over the stupidest things…  In the latest episode of those stupid humans according to US intelligence (and I hate to quote them) Russia is developing nuclear space weapons to destroy satellites.

The weapon is still under development and is not yet in orbit, Biden administration officials have emphasized publicly. But if used, officials say, it would cross a dangerous rubicon in the history of nuclear weapons and could cause extreme disruptions to everyday life in ways that are difficult to predict.

This kind of new weapon — known generally by military space experts as a nuclear EMP — would create a pulse of electromagnetic energy and a flood of highly charged particles that would tear through space to disrupt other satellites winging around Earth.

Source: CNN

EMPs are not new, we’ve known about them since the 60s and what this story is conveniently ignoring is that if an EMP is detonated in space yes it’ll cause problems for satellites but the blast portion that hits the planet could destroy the electrical grid on the ground too.  Funny enough a lot of satellites are relatively hardened against EM radiation, since they’re in space and have to deal with the sun and cosmic rays but if an EMP’s energy hits the ground, we’re pretty much screwed.

And it being in space means we’d have like no warning too, at least with a missile the militaries can track its movements (though whether the government would inform the people, I highly doubt) but with space based weapons maybe a mere few minutes.  This is a first strike capability and if something like this gets into orbit, you can bet the militarization of space will happen.

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