Go America!

As an outsider looking at the United States, the country looks absolutely insane. Let’s skip the religious nuts and politics this time around and let’s talk about wealth inequity… Anyone who knows me knows I hate capitalism, the pursuit of “money” over the rape and pillage of the planet’s finite resources is crazy but to have a system that skewed towards the rich is worse. I mean I understand that life is not fair, however shouldn’t the system that we all live under be as fair and equal as possible?

Anyway I saw this video and thought it was worth sharing because it highlights a huge problem in America.

Now of course Americans are the first to defend their system along with the usual BS about being the best country in the world blah, blah, blah and it’s sad because the US could be so much more… It could be the society we all strive to be and live in, instead it’s rotting from the inside and everyone is happy to go along for the ride.

Reminds me of the fake tea party, sure grass root conservatives may be upset but the tea party is not the way to vent their frustration as it was set up and run by a few conservative billionaires who are using these groups to push their own agendas. You’re free to differ all you want but if you follow the money it all leads to the same place…

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