Relaxing weekend!

Ahh is there anything more awesome than lazy weekends?!? Haha I’m sure when the weather is warmer Maggie & Brandon will want to go out but seeing as how it’s the middle of winter, they’re content to stay at home. 😀 Hmm on Saturday I shoveled the snow on my driveway, we were going to go out to get something to eat for lunch but Brandon wanted pizza so we ordered in instead. Other than posting the Solo Stove review, I pretty much did nothing other than playing with Brandon.

Today was much of the same, posted a review on the JetBoil SOL and mid afternoon we stepped out for a few minutes. A friend was selling a replica black Elcan Specter DR for $80 and I decided to pick it up to complete the SOPMOD Block 2 PTW, other than a laser designator it’s pretty much set now. 🙂 The repro Elcan is obviously no where as good as my real Specter DR but lol I didn’t want to spend another $1,500 on an optic that I won’t be using… The SOPMOD Block 2 PTW is just a backup gun and now at least it looks cool. Hmm maybe later on I’ll swap out the replica Surefire Scout for something better (and real) but it’ll work for the time being. Post more pictures on that later…

Afterwards I spent a lot of time cleaning the house, it wasn’t too dirty but the main landing at the front entrance was a bit sandy due to us going in and out of the house. Gave Brandon an old Nerf style gun for him to play with and he was having a blast shooting me. 🙂


The first picture was taken with my P&S camera while the next two were taken with my Samsung gNote 3. The phone isn’t bad but the P&S is still significantly better… Anyway Brandon keeps trying to shoot me in the face lol I had to tell him to aim lower, though sometimes I’d still get hit in the face due to the bent fins on the projectiles. Hehe he likes it when I pretend to be a monster and laughs when I recoil in “pain” from being shot.

Looking forward to a quiet evening and back to the grind tomorrow. It’ll be nice to see Laura, she was off much of the week due to her uncle passing and I hope she’s alright now.

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