Science and religion are not equal

I’ve always been a fan of Bill Nye and use to watch his show when I was younger. I also agree that teaching children religion is wrong and we should not indoctrinate a child with this mumbo jumbo crap. We should want the future generation to be smarter and more successful than the current and previous generations and that won’t happen if we shove religion down their throats, rather we should spend our time focusing on education and mainly the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) fields.

Anyway I was a bit conflicted after I found out that Bill Nye was going to debate creationist Ken Ham (Creation Museum founder) about why science is not compatible with the literal translation of the bible. I mean I know Bill is a good debater and would wipe the floor with Mr. Ham but at the same time it gives the perception to those who are frankly stupid, that science and creation fairy tales are on the same level (you can obviously tell which group I’m in) and they’re not.

“Science has been highjacked by secularists,” he said, offering often scant evidence while arguing that it “makes sense” and that teaching evolution in school is “imposing the religion of atheism on generations of students.”

His opponent, TV’s “Bill Nye the Science Guy” fired back during the two-hour-plus debate, noting that scientific findings leave little doubt that humans are the product of evolution, that the earth is billions of years old and that there is no evidence for Noah’s flood or other biblical origin stories. Teaching otherwise, he said, isn’t good for children or the nation.

Creationism is “magical” and “absolutely not viable,” said Nye in a debate moderated by CNN reporter Tom Forman and titled, “Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins in Today’s Modern Scientific Era?”
Source: Courier Journal

This is a new spin by creationists, the evidence is the same but saying it’s a matter of perception is definitely wrong. The way scientists interpret data is logical and can be verified by others and most importantly science can also be used to predict things. All religion has is a book that was written by humans that says god did it.

I mean I’m not opposed to the idea of a god however it’s definitely not one that touches people individually in a personal way. Also society will not improve by throwing aside science (which has given us so much and is the reason we live the way we do now) to embrace religion. I guess the thing that irks me the most about religion (though more so in other parts of the world than in Canada) is its insistence for equal time in schools with science.

Perhaps when religion can make accurate predictions of the natural world, people will take it more seriously but till then it will only lose more and more relevance in the modern world.

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