So many snakes

Today after dropping Maggie off at her retail location, I took Brandon to Reptilia in Vaughan. He loves animals and knew he’d enjoy it so win win right. 🙂 Funny Brandon wasn’t really afraid of anything before but as he’s grown older he’s become more timid and was even scared to enter the viewing area. Not sure why it wasn’t particularly dark or noisy but I guess kids will be kids.

Here are some pictures that I took while we were enjoying ourselves…


We caught the day’s first show and Brandon got to touch a baby turtle, king snake and monitor lizard. 🙂 The look on his face when he touched the baby animals was priceless, unfortunately I only had my cell phone with me and the pictures didn’t turn out well because it was dark but it was awesome. He was a bit tired and at 12 we left Reptilia, of course not before browsing the gift shop… Luckily he didn’t want anything expensive so I bought a couple of dinosaur eggs for him then we went home.

After lunch and his nap, we played a bit then picked up Maggie around 6PM. Relaxed the rest of the day and we’ll do pretty much the same tomorrow because Maggie needs to go into the office and work some OT.

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