About time!

I saw this over the weekend and had to blog about it…

To illustrate the ridiculousness of having one fringe “expert” come in to undermine a scientific consensus, the report points to the network’s coverage of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which in September released a report concluding, with 95 percent certainty, that man-made climate change is happening. As was their due diligence, BBC reporters called a dozen prominent U.K. scientists, trying to drum up an opposing viewpoint. When that didn’t happen — probably because 97 percent of scientists agree that man-made climate change is happening — they turned instead to retired Australian geologist Bob Carter, who has ties to the industry-affiliated Heartland Institute.

To be clear, having one guy dismiss the consensus of hundreds of the world’s top climate scientists as “hocus-pocus science” wasn’t the “balanced” thing to do, and the only reason why people like Carter continue to be taken seriously is because news networks continue to suggest they should be.
Source: Salon

Those who follow the science of climate change know that virtually all scientists in the world agree that it’s happening and the cause is human activity but for some reason the media like to give the crazies equal time in an effort to appear unbiased. Unfortunately sometimes there are not two sides to every story, I mean you wouldn’t listen to the people who tell you smoking is ok for your health right…

Climate science is well observed and documented and we ignore the findings at our peril. I’m positive I’ll witness the effects of climate change in my lifetime and I worry about Brandon future as well.

Heh I saw this a bit later and thought it was an excellent video to make my point.

I know it’s comedy but fortunately it’s also true.

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