This is promising

News like this is certainly exciting and means there’s more possibility of life out there in the universe.

This technique gave Kepler 444 an age of 11.2 billion years, plus or minus 1 billion years. That makes it the oldest known system of terrestrial planets in the galaxy – when Earth formed, these planets were already older than our planet is today. (The previous record-holder, a red dwarf known as Kapteyn’s star, hosts larger planets that are probably mini-Neptunes.)

“These planets mean it only took the universe a couple billion years to figure out how to build rocky planets, and they’ve been around for a really long time,” says Travis Metcalfe at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado. While Kepler 444’s planets are too hot for life, its age suggests there might be cooler, older worlds elsewhere. “If life needs a long time to develop or lots of places to try to develop, having rocky planets this early in the history of the galaxy means planets with advanced civilisations should be everywhere.”
Source: NewScientist

Haha sometimes my religious friends tell me it requires as much faith to believe there’s life elsewhere in the universe as it takes to believe in god.  Sure I’ll give them that and while we do not have concrete evidence that there’s alien life, we do know that the seeds for life as we know it are all over the place.  If I were a betting man, I’d definitely bet something else is out there and I hope that we discover it in my lifetime how exciting that would be…

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