Extra Extra, US owns space!

US Supreme Leader George W. Bush has claimed space for America. No not literally however he signed a new “National Space Policy” that is suppose to deny access to space to anyone who is hostile to US interests. That’s just great thanks W you did an excellent job with the Earth, now you want to reach into space too…

To my neighbours to the south please don’t take this as a jab at you personally, it’s just that I do not agree with many of your government’s policies.

Why can’t we leave our planet’s petty differences and beliefs on the ground? Who is being targeted with this policy anyway? Terrorists or “states that promote terror” do not have the means to send anything into space, rather it seems to me that it’s aimed at China, Russia and the EU. Is Bush really itching to pick a fight with someone else already?

Four years earlier, a congressionally chartered panel led by U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld recommended developing space weapons to protect military and civilian satellites.

From the same article.

There was a note of caution, however, from Michael Simpson, president of the International Space University in France.

“On the one hand, it worries people like me who would really love to believe that space will be a place where we don’t take our combat and our history of conflict with one another,” Simpson told the Star’s Scott Simmie.

“The concern, and where the rest of the world has got to get involved, is how do you decide what is a threat, and what is really the legitimate use of space by someone else?”

Source: The Star

Perhaps it’s inevitable that we bring our destructive nature into space but what gives the US the right to dictate its policies to the rest of the world? Because it’s the strongest? This isn’t the school playground and its rules are not in affect!

And Americans wonder why the rest of the world despises its government… Things like this make America the asshole of the world, you know that jerk who always has to get his way otherwise he ruins it for everyone else.

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