From one generation to another…

My mom recently gave Brandon some of my old toy cars to play with and he has so much fun with them. Watching him push them around made me remember when I was younger and a few of those cars I absolutely loved… I’m glad that they’re still around and that I can share them with him, heh who knows perhaps we can pass it down another generation. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hehe later we were playing in the en suite bathroom and he likes it when I flick water at him. ๐Ÿ™‚

In the second picture he walked into the shower and when I closed the door he started to whine (I guess he was scared) and you can see the cute frown through the translucent door. The third picture is nothing special but I thought he looked so much older than he really is, in reality though he’s still pretty darn tiny!

On Saturday I took my car in for an oil change and afterwards I took the family and my parents out for dim sum. In the afternoon after little B’s nap, Maggie decided to take a nap so I let him chase me around the house for an hour and a half, lol he truly is a little bundle of energy! We didn’t do much the rest of the day and spent it at home, exactly what I like.

Sunday the family went to J&J’s place for lunch and it was fun. Brandon and Logan are starting to interact (a little) and haha whether they like it or not, they’ll be spending a lot of time together in the future. On the way home Brandon was tired so he took a nap in the car, that gave me a good reason to detour and look at my new house. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Man I can’t wait to move in, less than a month’s time! ๐Ÿ˜€ Sorry about the crappy picture, was taken with my BB about 100′ away in my car.

In the mid afternoon I went to my parents place to help move some furniture and man do they have a lot of stuff… Work work work tomorrow, woo!

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