Welcome to G.W Bush’s America…

Man everything today is about terrorism well I have a message to my neighbors to the south, the terrorists have won. Sure you kicked their asses in Afghanistan but look at what has happened to your country! It has basically become a police state, people now eye each other suspiciously and the rights and freedoms previous generations fought so hard for have been stripped away in just a few years “in the name of security”.

All the media hyped up the Boston terror scare, I fell for it too and thought it was a big deal till I looked a bit closer.


Are you kidding me the people of Boston was afraid of that?!? Oh man talk about mass paranoia, seriously anyone who thought that was a bomb is insane! There’s a decent Wiki on the 2007 Boston security scare, if you have a few minutes check it out for a chuckle.

I love the way the two who were arrested for this “incident” handled the media spotlight. You can check it out here on CNN, it’s hilarious and I wouldn’t mind donating to their defense fund. Congrat’s America, yes Sept 11/2001 was terrible but look at what it has reduced your country to. The damage you have done to yourselves is many times worse than what the terrorists could have dreamed of.

Edit: Found this on YouTube and think it’s awesome.

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