We need more politicians like this

I guess it should be no surprise but I really like Bernie Sanders.  I wish we had more straight shooting politicians like this in the world, it certainly would be a better place.

Trickle down economics or supply side economics doesn’t work, if it did the US (and Canada) would be swimming in jobs as the tax rates are at the lowest point ever. Mr. Sanders is correct, businesses don’t hire people because they have more money or because taxes are lower, there needs to be demand to justify it. Sales drives the economy and in order to promote sales, you need a thriving middle class.

Sigh, unfortunately our politicians in power have bought into this supply side crap (even though it doesn’t work) and people like Mr. Sanders seem “extreme”. I always tell my younger staff that politics matters and to pay close attention to what the politicians say.

For the record I hated supply side economics before it was cool. 😉

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