I would say no!

I saw this news story in the National Post and couldn’t believe what I was reading.  Police in Windsor are going door to door in a residential neighborhood and requesting DNA samples from people to rule them out as the murder of a pregnant woman.

The unusual mass request for a blood sample prompted more than 500 residents to agree and a “handful” of people to refuse, police say. It also has stirred condemnation and warnings from civil liberty and legal advocates about a police technique increasingly turned to when murder probes begin to falter.

“The extraction of a DNA sample without a warrant is concerning. It is inherently coercive,” says Sukanya Pillay, executive director and general counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

Source: National Post

Right from the get go this bothered me very much, as I’ve said previously I am not wiling to trade my civil liberties for security and this feels wrong to me on so many levels. If the police came to my door asking, I’d definitely say no, if they feel because of that I’m a person of interest fine investigate me but if the authorities want my DNA they better have a court order.  Seems most of the guys at work disagree and would consent to something like that with the mindset that they did no wrong so what’s the big deal but I find it very troubling.

I mean if the cops came to my house and asked to search it because they wanted to rule me out as a suspect, I’d say no there too.  Would you let the police search your home without a warrant?!?

With the recent terrorists attacks in Canada and the events in France, the Conservatives are pushing for more policing powers which I am totally against.  A lot of Western countries have followed suit and are trying to further erode the rights of its citizens in order to “protect them”, you and I have to be mindful and fight for our rights because once they’re gone they won’t be coming back.

I’m not a conspiracy theory nut, I just follow politics and realize what is happening.

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