What a stupid plan

Trudeau’s government is not known for well thought out ideas and this has got to be one of the stupider ones.

Ottawa has been promising to launch this program ever since it banned the sale and use of 1,500 models of firearms on May 1, 2020. The buyback plan has the support of the gun control movement but faces stiff opposition from hunters and shooters.

“This seems to be a situation in which the Liberals promised a lot, and maybe they promised too much,” said Boily.

The government had to go back to the drawing board after Canada Post refused to collect banned weapons at its post offices, citing security concerns.

Canada Post is refusing to comment on the matter but sources within the organization said many post offices have little security, with no alarm systems or surveillance cameras.

“Zero,” said a Canada Post employee when asked to describe security at his post office in a small municipality. “The government is crazy if it thinks we can do this safely.”

Source: CBC

So the federal government want people to bring their guns and leave them at Canada Post offices, that sounds like a great target for organized crime to hit!  These guns were so dangerous that they had to be banned, yet the feds let owners sit on them for the next 4 years and then have 0 security at post offices.  Well thought out but of course it’s not about public safety, the last line in the article says it all, they need votes and they think this is what is going to save them.

Abortion, LGBT issues and guns, that’s what the Liberals are going to run the next election on because after 9 years they have nothing to show for their tenure.

2nd in command

A colleague of mine took a screenshot of Slinky on my lap during a conference call and hehe he’s so damn cute!

For some reason when Slinky hears the Microsoft teams call, he’ll come running from wherever he is in the house to jump on my lap. After it’s done he’ll leave, so funny! In this case I was giving him neck scratches and he enjoyed them very much lol.

White Liberalism

This is a channel I quite enjoy and he did a video on the problems with white liberalism which I thought was very apt.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve become less patient with those who talk about decorum or the need to protest “properly” and the creator here is right, Western liberalism allows all the worst things to happen, just with a smile or a rainbow.

What the hell

Is this bizzarro world, what the hell is Trudeau talking about?!?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the government wants to rein in the number of temporary immigrants coming to the country, saying the situation needs to be brought “under control.”

“Whether it’s temporary foreign workers or whether it’s international students in particular, that have grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb,” Trudeau said at a housing announcement in Dartmouth, N.S.

“To give an example, in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants. Now we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants. That’s something we need to get back under control.”

Source: Global News

It’s his government’s god damn policies that have lead to an explosion of foreign students & TFWs!  Why are things only ever a problem after Canadians highlight their concerns and it affects the Liberals in the polls?  They should get no credit in their realization that their policies have made the country worse, god the next election can’t come soon enough.

Quality time!

Took Brandon to Silverdale this morning to do some shooting and it was great!

Brandon got to shoot his GSG-16 rifle, he enjoys it quite a bit and even though he didn’t initially like the recoil from 9mm pistols, he enjoyed shooting the Glock 19 on the steel plates. 😉  The ting from striking steel is very satisfying and I’m glad I can share this wonderful hobby with him.

Thanks Andrew!

My friend Andrew made me three helmet display stands and they look freaking awesome!

Allows me to balance the helmets out and it looks great on the shelf behind me during video calls. 😉

You’re on your own

Toronto police’s advice to car owners is to leave your keys at the front door so that thieves who kick in your door to steal your car, they’ll take what they want and leave.  As you can imagine that’s caused quite an uproar and this author sums things up pretty well I thought.

The message from the Toronto Police Service couldn’t be clearer: we surrender, and you, the peace-loving, law-abiding citizens, should surrender, too.

For your own safety.

Regular Line readers will know — hell, anyone who pays any attention at all to the news will know — that auto thefts have been surging in this country, relative to recent years (yes, yes, I know — they haven’t yet gone past historic levels). It’s particularly bad right now in my hometown. The issue has finally percolated up into the public consciousness enough that it’s become a political issue. We’re getting new task forces and all that jazz — the kinds of things politicians announce when they realize, always belatedly, that they have to announce something. But while those announcements are made and repeated and recycled, thus giving the politicians their coveted ass-covering material, the thefts are continuing.

And the Toronto Police have reflected on the problem. They’ve mulled it over. Thought long and hard. And they’re advising people just give up. To stay safe.

Source: The Line

One of my pet peeves is when politicians or authorities tell me what to do to stay “safe” and the author makes a good point about what we are experiencing now is not the norm but rather the exception.  War, violence, stealing, murder and death is the norm something our society was able to shift away from but if the law and justice does not maintain the faith with the people, it’s very easy for society to break down.  As the author says too, heaven forbid someone protect themself or their property then the cops will definitely arrest the victim and charge them with whatever they can.

What’s the point of having a police force and justice system if they won’t do their jobs and why are the rights of criminals greater than the rights of their victims?

We’re in big trouble

As I’ve gotten older, I pretty much lost faith that we as a society will actually tackle the problem of climate change as we have complete corporate capture of our governments and there’s absolutely nothing that you or I as individuals can do anything about anything.  CNN published this story over the weekend and it made me sad for future generations. 🙁

Are you frightened by climate change? Do you worry about what sort of world we are bequeathing to our children and grandchildren? In the words of science writer and author of “The Uninhabitable Earth” David Wallace-Wells, “No matter how well informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough.”

I would put it even more strongly.

If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it. The reality is that, as far as we know, and in the natural course of events, our world has never — in its entire history — heated up as rapidly as it is doing now. Nor have greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere ever seen such a precipitous hike.

Source: CNN

Our incompetent leaders virtue signal by banning plastic straws while the rich and corporations have virtually no limits to what they can do, heaven forbid they be inconvenienced…

I guess no more Wendy’s

This is the absolute worst idea I’ve ever heard and now I guess I’m going to skip Wendy’s moving forward.

Wendy’s will start experimenting with surge pricing, much like Uber and Lyft, as the company rolls out digital menus to all its United States restaurants by 2025, according to the company’s February earnings call. Under the test, burgers, Frosties, and other menu items will have “dynamic prices,” costing more during times of increased demand.

“Beginning as early as 2025, we will begin testing more enhanced features like dynamic pricing,” said Wendy’s CEO Kirk Tanner on Feb. 15’s earnings call. “We are planning to invest approximately $20 million to roll out digital menu boards to all US company-operated restaurants by the end of 2025.”

Source: Gizmodo

Not that we eat at Wendy’s or fast foods much (mainly on roadtrips) but I will boycott any business that moves to this model.


Aliens don’t visit us because they see that we fight over the stupidest things…  In the latest episode of those stupid humans according to US intelligence (and I hate to quote them) Russia is developing nuclear space weapons to destroy satellites.

The weapon is still under development and is not yet in orbit, Biden administration officials have emphasized publicly. But if used, officials say, it would cross a dangerous rubicon in the history of nuclear weapons and could cause extreme disruptions to everyday life in ways that are difficult to predict.

This kind of new weapon — known generally by military space experts as a nuclear EMP — would create a pulse of electromagnetic energy and a flood of highly charged particles that would tear through space to disrupt other satellites winging around Earth.

Source: CNN

EMPs are not new, we’ve known about them since the 60s and what this story is conveniently ignoring is that if an EMP is detonated in space yes it’ll cause problems for satellites but the blast portion that hits the planet could destroy the electrical grid on the ground too.  Funny enough a lot of satellites are relatively hardened against EM radiation, since they’re in space and have to deal with the sun and cosmic rays but if an EMP’s energy hits the ground, we’re pretty much screwed.

And it being in space means we’d have like no warning too, at least with a missile the militaries can track its movements (though whether the government would inform the people, I highly doubt) but with space based weapons maybe a mere few minutes.  This is a first strike capability and if something like this gets into orbit, you can bet the militarization of space will happen.