Installation is going well

So yesterday I worked from home because SolSmart started the installation of the solar panels on my roof and so far all is well.


As you can see the crew laid down all the panels and supporting structures, from a quick walk around all that’s left is for them to hook up the converter and to install the new power panel that allows me to feed electricity into the grid. 🙂  It’s always been one of my dreams to be able to generate power from my house (yes I’m a nerd) and that dream is about to become a reality!  I’m very happy with it and frankly if every house and building were generating its own power, we’d need less and smaller power plants.

A few friends have asked, during a blackout I’d lose power too because I don’t currently have a way to store energy but in the next couple of years I plan on investing in a battery backup system like the Tesla wall, the current options available are very expensive (in the range of $10-15k) and too far out of my budget.  Anyway they’re coming back today and while the project was scheduled to take 4 days, I think they may be wrapped up today!

Maggie was late coming home last night so instead of cooking, I took Brandon out to get Pho and he enjoyed it. 🙂

Brandon went to Beavers last night and lol I took a picture of their goodbye ceremony…  I’m happy that he enjoys it so much and he’s excited about next week because there will be an official integration ceremony where he gets the neckerchief, beaver tail and colony patches.  My boy is awesome and I’m glad I can share these experiences with him.

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