Net Neutrality Part 2

Net neutrality, don’t think it affects you? Some ISPs are already bending the rules…

On november first the Canadian ISP Videotron laucnhed an all out assault on net neutrality, calling for of all things a tranmission tariff! This is exactly why we need network neutrality. This Canadian ISP already makes it’s revenue channel from it’s subscribers, but because their subscribers are actually trying to use the service they have paid for, this ISP is crying foul. Sorry Videotron, you sold a service and just because you are now having to deliver on it does not make it ‘unfair’.

Check out this site, there’s a lot of good information. Do yourself and every Canadian a favor write your MP (not just email or online petition), actually send a letter! A physical letter is more important and holds more sway than anything you can do online.

Net Neutrality Canada -

Edit: Daniel has written a very eloquent post on his blog on why Net Neutrality is important and it’s worth a read! Just saw this on the Toronto Star, if you’re not familiar with the concept of net neutrality this story should clear things up.

Since being named minister of industry last February, Maxime Bernier has set his sights on reforming Canada’s telecommunications laws. In only 12 months, he has overruled the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission on its plans for Internet telephony regulation and introduced a sea change in the CRTC’s approach, mandating that the commission “rely on market forces to the maximum extent feasible and to regulate telecommunications services only when necessary.”

Indeed, the emphasis on market forces has been so great that the Minister from the Beauce might be better characterized as the Minister from Bell.

2 thoughts on “Net Neutrality Part 2

  1. Sorry I’ve taken so long to post something about this myself, but here it is.

  2. Hey Daniel! 😀

    No worries man, I know you’re busy and I know net neutrality is something you really believe in. Just finished writing my letter, it’s signed and will be mailed off to my MP tonight!

    Hope you feel better soon and I hope people who visit your blog write their MPs too.

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